Field Studies
Study Types:We have experience in managing regulated GMO field trials in accordance with local regulatory agencies, and routinely conduct the following study types. Most of these are GLP studies, but some can be non-GLP, especially the efficacy studies.
- Agronomy and Compositional Analysis
- Protein Expression
- Insect Community Assessment (NTO)
- Grain and Reference Material Productions
- Efficacy Studies
Experience in multiple crops, including:
- Field Corn
- Sweet Corn
- Soybeans
- Sugar Beets
- Alfalfa
- Cotton
- Sugarcane
- Eucalyptus
- Canola
- Small Grains
- Leafy Vegetables
- Fruiting Vegetables
- Pome Fruit
- Stone Fruit
- Cane Berries
- Citrus
An excellent network of field investigators in:
- United States
- Canada
- Central America
- South America
- South Africa
We have a network of excellent field investigators for conducting GMO studies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and South Africa. Trial sites are all located in major agricultural regions in all countries.
- Crops: Although we have focused on field corn, soybeans and cotton, our field researchers have experience and expertise in other GM crops such as wheat, grain sorghum, canola, sunflower, sugarcane and eucalyptus.
- Sample Preparation: We have a GLP-compliant laboratory for sample preparation in Salto, Buenos Aires province. The lab has a large variety of blenders and choppers for preparing samples and a -80°C freezer for sample storage prior to shipping. We also have selected GLP-compliant partners in Brazil for sample preparation. Usually, by doing the sample prep in country, shipping costs can be reduced by at least 50% versus shipping the entire sample back to the US.
- Government Regulations: We have experience in managing regulated GMO studies in compliance with guidelines set by local regulatory agencies (USDA, CONABIA-Argentina, CTNBio-Brazil, SAG-Chile, Registrar, Genetically Modified Organisms-South Africa). In Argentina we have experience in obtaining CONABIA permits and can assist a sponsor with this activity. CONABIA also requires several reports during the course of a field trial, including a planting report, crop destruction report, sampling report, and a final field report. We have extensive experience in writing these reports and provide this service to our sponsors.